Friday 9 March 2012

Horsham Museum

Me and some members of the Mid Downs Lacemakers visited Horsham Museum on Tuesday, to have a look at the lace they own.  The museum had kindly given us the use of one of their rooms and had the boxes of lace ready for us to look at.  A lot of the lace was machine made, but there were some really good pieces as well.  Like the piece of Mechlin lace in the picture above.  We think it started life as 2 lappets, but were later on crudely sown together to make a small scarf. The width of the piece is about 8cm.
We also found a Dutch lace cap, which was in the box of wedding veils.
The day went very quickly and we weren't able to go through all the boxes.  The museum was happy with our contribution and invited us to come again.

The piece of Duchesse, I was working on last year, is finished.